Bowles on Pynchon

Henry Musikar scuffling at
Thu May 14 16:41:35 CDT 2009

I agree with Nabokov. I wasn't crazy about The Sheltering Sky, myself.  His
shorter works, in particular his collections of stories set in and around
Morocco, are equine of a considerably other stature.

Henry Musikar
Sr. IT Consultant  

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Kohut

I know that Nabokov hated The Sheltering Sky. 

----- Original Message ----
From: Henry Musikar 

I love Bowles terse writing style, particularly his short stories. 
"We also talked about a number of other writers. Bowles confessed to loving
Lolita, and although he he was less fond of Pale Fire and Nabokov's other
works, he did allow that Nabokov's influence on younger writers was
'positive.' At some point we resumed a discussion of Thomas Pynchon begun
two years earlier, and again, Bowles sharply criticized Pynchon's novels,
characterizing them as 'fumereuse'-- a French word implying a trailing off
in all directions, like smoke. Commenting on Pynchon's famous anonymity, he
said, laughing, 'I wonder what's wrong with him?'"

I haven't had the opportunity to explore the site, but I wonder what Bowles
thought of Burroughs.

Henry Mu


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