Character (WAS: COL49 - Chap 2: San Narciso as a circuit board)

David Morris fqmorris at
Fri May 15 14:40:28 CDT 2009

Sorry for the mistaken attribution.  Please don't take it as
intentional slight.  Another feminist did make this remark not too far
back.  I think gay men would have reason to take offense with GR as

Our speculations about Pynchon's writing process differ.  Like I said,
I'm not gunna do "does to/does not."  Enough said.

David Morris

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 1:05 PM,  <kelber at> wrote:
> GR is the greatest book ever written.  I'd proclaim it from the rooftop, if my roof weren't kind of slanted and treacherous.  Reading it for the first time was a life-altering experience, and I've re-read it three times since, and will probably read it many more times.  You're confusing me with someone else
> (all feminists look alike?).  That I think he developed some of his themes as he wrote is hardly meant as a diss, but as a speculation on his writing process.
> Laura

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