The disembodied book

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Sat May 16 08:38:12 CDT 2009

On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 5:41 AM, David Payne <dpayne1912 at> wrote:

> On Fri, 15 May 2009, against.the.dave at wrote"
> e.g., Moby Dick was twittered:
> On the other hand, the opposite, bind a book with the author's flesh:

A quarter of a century ago friends might remember me describing the
iPod, albeit with such useful additional features as the ability to
sort by key, tempo, label, release date, songwriter, any given
musician playing on any given track, et soforthiam.  But while I
bought thousands of CDs during the 90s, ca. the time mp3 players hit
the market, I was buying almost exclusively vintage vinyl (HARDLY
everything is available online/digitally, by the way).  I only ever
visited Napster on teh last day of its initial run, simply in oredr to
have seen it.  These days, vinyl is resurgent.  You can get LPs/45s @
Best Buy, even, recent recordings + vintage repressings.  Friends put
out reissue + new 45s.  One 45 releases last year was going for $120
on eBay within the month even as the final few stock copies could be
had for $8 ...

There are Reasons the Voyager probes carry analog sound recordings ...

Meanwhile, prevailing computer hardware/software turns over ever
few/several years, it seems, rendering previous formats effectively
unreadable ...

... though we can still decode Ancient Egyptian papyri, the Rosetta
stone, the Gutenberg bible, et al.  ...

Reminds me ...

Anyway, sure, I use online text constantly here, amd thrilled to have
at least a couple of online (presumably pirated) Lot 49s to have
recourse to, not to mnetio Google Books ...

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