Pynchon's reply Questions?

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Wed May 20 14:49:51 CDT 2009

Again, a very interesting discussion. My "contributions" have been  
mostly in the nature of tentative thoughts, looking to advance the  
conversation rather than out of a clear sense of insight.

I have some questions
  1) Is Pynchon's response to Hollander mostly on the basis of the  
Pynchon's Inferno essay?  What had H published at that point?  ( I  
have to admit I find his core interpretation of GR to be close to my  
own sense of emphasis at least in terms of history/politics/social   
implications, and the fundamental dishonesty and betrayal of the  
human implicit in  war, even this most idealized of wars. I am not at  
all sure that P is siding with coal over  oil as Hollander implies or  
that some historic disinheritance of the Pynchons is as critical as  
he implies. I think he gets carried away with the Rockefeller name  
stuff, too )

2) How can one get a copy of Hollander's " Pynchon, JFK and the CIA:  
Magic Eye Views of The Crying of Lot 49." ? the vheissu website is  
gone.    V? he is you .  V-Feminine+  he- masculine = issue

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