NP but influenced by fer sure

rich richard.romeo at
Thu May 28 14:18:50 CDT 2009

I really liked Canaan's Tongue, the novel before this one--a group of
slave hunters who promise freedom but end up selling the runaways back
to the owners--led by a disturbing character called The Redeemer. very
much like in style to Stephen Wright's the Amalgamation Polka and alot
more cohesive narrative

there's like 1000 holds on Lowboy at NYPL. fuckers

On 5/28/09, Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:
> LOWBOY by John Wray(promising Granta writer under 40) generally
> acclaimed novel.
> Protagonist is a genuine (diagnosed--harmful to others) Paranoid
> Schizophrenic who rides the NY subway
> back and forth with obsessive awareness of it.
> p. 3 "signs and tells were all around him"
> Soon, the fact of a 'revelation' appears in the text.
> Ouroborous and open vs. self-contained system (to describe the subway
> system).
> For your own self-esteem and nothing more, name couple-three books by which
> writer that have influenced John Wray's LOWBOY.
> I have not read a review. Any of our sharpest critics make the Pynchon
> connections?

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