IVIV (12): Running a little behind on posts

kelber at mindspring.com kelber at mindspring.com
Sat Oct 31 14:00:12 CDT 2009

I meant to get serious about posting today, but ran into some distraction.  Last night, someone scrawled anti-semitic graffiti (swastikas, Fuck Jews!, etc. -- actually, one of my neighbors pointed out that the swastikas were drawn backwards, but no one's reading anything but incompetence into that fact) on cars and houses on my block, in the predominantly Jewish neighborhood where I live. Since we're one of the few infidel families who don't observe Shabbat, we were able to call the police.  The cop who responded laughed it off at first as a harmless Halloween prank, which was kind of upsetting.  But then he heard that a synagogue had also been hit, and the graffiti's actually spread over about three quarters of a mile down our street.  There've been squad cars, cops, detectives and cameras all over our block, and particularly outside our house, since we were among the first ones who called it in. They're about to start dusting everything for evidence.

In the meantime, though, what's the source of that "interesting bruise on Petunia's leg"?  Is she just clumsy?  Is it a hickey?  Or was someone (The Boards, Bigfoot) trying to coerce her into revealing something about Doc.  Theories? 


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