Religious Perversion

malignd at malignd at
Wed Oct 7 14:23:27 CDT 2009

Simplest revision is to remove Jesus.

Well, we'll just have to revise the painting a little bit.

-----Original Message-----
From: rich <richard.romeo at>
To: John Pendergast <jpender at>
Cc: “pynchon-l at“ <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Wed, Oct 7, 2009 12:54 pm
Subject: Re: Religious Perversion

from a Quaker friend of mine. think its a nice rebuttal

 find it creepy, too, especially seeing Jesus is portrayed holding a
document that counts enslaved persons as only 3/5 of a human being
each; fortunately the real Jesus loves the designated good guys and
designated bad guys alike. Liberal professor, would you please stand
up next to George Washington? (Bring your book with you. Darwin
couldn't tell a lie, either.) Lawyer with the hundred dollar bills,
would you please hand them to Satan for safekeeping and kneel next to
Abraham Lincoln? Haym Solomon, who bankrolled the American Revolution,
would you stand with Alexander Hamilton, please? Keep your prayer
shawl on, and your frontlets; you're being portrayed with the Messiah.
Sojourner Truth, please stand behind Jesus and give him a big hug;
He's your Eternal Darling who made you able even to love the white
folks, and you were one of only 99 historical Americans to register 99
or better on the sanctometer. Andrew ("only good Indian is a dead
Indian") Jackson didn't show up for this photo op, I guess because he
was afraid that there might be India
ns. So in the Presidents' area
let's put Sequoyah in Jackson's place. Jackson never gave his people
an alphabet.

Let's see, there's something missing... America's conscientious
objectors to war? America's Muslims? The Shakers? The Ghost Dancers?
The IWW? John Woolman? (I noticed, too, Rich, that there weren't any
Sicilian-Americans in the picture.) Oh, I've got it.

America's earthworms! America's farmers would be nowhere without the
earthworms! And they're nice and petite, and they can represent all of
America's plants and animals, and their guardian spirits. Jesus, the
Firstborn of the Creation, wouldn't have forgotten them.

Well, we'll just have to revise the painting a little bit.

On 10/7/09, John Pendergast <jpender at> wrote:
> I wasn't irony and satire that died after 9-11, but clearly allegory.
> Modern Christians do not understand allegory -- why would a justice 
> is weeping over, and therefore showing remorse over, Roe v Wade be in
> Satan's corner? And a pregnant woman who wants to keep her baby?
> rich wrote:
>> welcome to American National Socialist Fundamentalism
>> Artist Jon McNaughton of Utah has created a painting inspired by a
>> vision he received during the 2008 elections. The painting -- titled
>> "One Nation Under God" -- depicts Jesus surrounded by characters from
>> American history plus Satan. Some of the characters are act
ual people
>> (Ronald Reagan, James Madison ) and some are archetypes (handicapped
>> child, liberal news reporter). The "liberal news reporter," along 
>> the professor clutching Darwin's Origin Of Species and the judge
>> weeping over Roe vs. Wade are huddled in the lower right hand corner
>> of the painting, next to Satan. (The pregnant woman is also in 
>> corner.)

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