pynchon-l-digest V2 #7241

Robin Landseadel robinlandseadel at
Thu Oct 29 14:08:52 CDT 2009

On Oct 29, 2009, at 11:53 AM, John Carvill wrote:

> Whatever, the connection between the CIA and drugs is one which
> Pynchon made 100% explicit a long time ago, in Vineland, as well all
> know. Robin, over to you.....

. . . delivered in a more, shall we say—Occult?—fashion in The Crying  
of Lot 49, what with tying together the CIA to that rough theater of  
cruelty specialist Fernando Arrabal and scattering clews of Manchurian  
Candidate programs in the wake of JFK's assassination.  I have yet to  
throughly consider the latent CIA references in Gravity's Rainbow but  
I already know that many threads of the emerging post-WWII military- 
industrial complex are woven into that meisterwerke.

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