pynchon-l-digest V2 #7241

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Fri Oct 30 00:48:54 CDT 2009

On Oct 29, 2009, at 2:53 PM, John Carvill wrote:

> Whatever, the connection between the CIA and drugs is one which
> Pynchon made 100% explicit a long time ago, in Vineland, as well all
> know. Robin, over to you.....

So Pynchon gets it about the CIA as the new masters / dupes of the  
great game and touches on CIA drug angle in ATD and Vineland. And   
Gary Webb did this very substantive and well documented  
investigation. But Webb's career was destroyed and he was ignored and  
discredited by the MSM and the whole obscene mess of several US  
president having this private and unconstitutional army funded by  
heroin traffic is never confronted or stopped. The trouble is not  
that the NY Times checks it out and the Tribune, LA times etc and  
find that the story is without evidence or the facts don't check  
out . They all just turn away.  And I think that is what Pynchon is  
getting at with the Golden Fang.
They are the dark secret that everybody from insurance people and  
lawyers to street dealers , limo drivers, prostitutes,  and actresses  
knows about. Doc seems pretty sharp to me but the point may be that  
the most stoned  reefer-mad newsman or investigator that wanted to  
know could get this story.         It's like Pynchon is saying that  
when all the clues point the same way, that is the one place we don't  
look. That is the thing we will leave to "conspiracy nuts".

  And here it is again. The story isn't hiding; it's page one of the  
NYT. The CIA is paying the biggest opium dealer in Afghanistan who is  
the brother of the president of Afghanistan and we ignore it  talk  
about the exact number of troops to send.   The president hires his  
economics team almost exclusively from Goldman Sachs.  As long as the  
wall streeters get their millions and the reporters work for them,  
the story of the Golden Fangs continuing  gang rape of America will  
be  covered as  with numbed indifference as though we are all too far  
away to do anything.

When a nation treats itself as a joke  what should the artists do?  
Yo, yo  I got his great idea for a Coen Brothers detective  movie.  
Picture Cheech and Chong meets Chinatown with Nixon as the  
antiChrist, lots of pussy, vintage cars , in jokes, early internet  
shit. This is gunna be big.

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