Re: IVIV: chapter seven—Zucky's

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Wed Sep 30 01:14:21 CDT 2009

I missed this post somehow .I needed the crazy Zap Comic energy and  
juiciness. Thanks. This is why I hang out here.
On Sep 25, 2009, at 10:54 AM, Robin Landseadel wrote:

> On Sep 25, 2009, at 6:24 AM, Michael Bailey wrote:
>> Robin Landseadel wrote:
>>> basketball. Wonder if Ol' Pynch is starting to scramble his  
>>> basketball
>>> stats?
>> maybe, as you suggest, there's a reason for placing the KAJ name  
>> change
>> a year earlier.  It's fiction, I for one encourage it to be different
>> from (or, as
>> John Carvill might say, 'different to') reality
> LSD is BIG in The Big Sportello! And the time traveling/journey to  
> mythos aspect of Acid is on full display in chapter seven of  
> Inherent Vice. Hoping Joseph Tracy joins in on this one. Seems like  
> if you're looking for a Jungian Journey [or at least a real good  
> parody of one] LSD Investigations is the place to go for Action,  
> Adventure & Acid!
> But yeah, heavy Lysergic action often feels like riding in a  
> defective time machine. "What year is this, anyway?"
>>> not anywhere at all, if you can dig that jive, Porgie.
>> Porgie, Tirebiter, he's a spy and a girl delighter...
> And you seriously must listen to "Roller Maidens From Outer Space",  
> Phil Austin's solo debut. It's the Biblical Apocalypse as set on  
> Fresno Television where all the characters on the shows are from  
> daytime re-runs and they're hiring a detective from one of these  
> shows—Dick Private, Private Dick—to explain all these lights in the  
> sky and the strange but beautiful dream they're all dreaming.  
> Features Cal Worthington [believe he's Lord Crappington here] and  
> some déclassé gospel/country-western hybrid tunes that move the  
> action forward. The role of Nick Exxon is played by Dick Nixon. The  
> role of Jesus Christ is played by Jesus Retardo, brother of Tricky  
> Retardo who shakes his maracas for wife Juicy. In the end we get to  
> read everybody's personals. Turns out ol' Nick is really kinky. 
> 1973, bw & color, 50 minutes.
> And of course Lew Basnight's importance in Against the Day is  
> elevated due to the relation of Doc to Lew, being as they're both  
> psychical detectives. Remember that the full name is "Nick Danger,  
> Third Eye! ! !".
>>>       shamus of shamuses Johnny Staccato
>> never heard of him before, John Cassavetes as a piano-playing solver
>> of bad deeds...
> Obviously need to see that, a certifiable Boho artiste who works  
> with the boni-fied Jazz Ensemble to solve crimes and look Italian.  
> Coolness and the most obvious direct link to:
> Also related:
>>> Then comes page 98, a page I have no intention of spoiling by  
>>> attempting to
>>> summarize, explain, link or otherwise spray graffiti on.
>> geeze Robin, I've been operating under the assumption that we are
>> painting here, if you will, in like water-soluble poster paint and no
>> matter how much we throw at the wall, none of it will stick.  Or  
>> at least
>> it'll wash off easily
>> If I let myself worry about defacing this wonderful art of that  
>> author whom we
>> feel deeply affectionate towards...gaah, Kreplach! I wouldn't have  
>> anything much
>> to say about any of this
>> but, yeah, it is a good page, ol' 98.
> Every book by Pynchon has a passage or two where you have to stand  
> back for fear of being burned. Those poster colors will fuse with  
> the persian designs of the tiles of the building, producing the  
> murpy shellfish grey of glittering po-mo indecision. I wonder what  
> kind of pillow those health waffles make? I find it  poetic and a  
> close relative to Hunter S. Thompson's:
> 	There was madness in any direction, at any hour. If not across the  
> Bay,
> 	then up the Golden Gate or down 101 to Los Altos or La Honda... You
> 	could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense
> 	that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning...
> 	And that, I think, was the handle — that sense of inevitable  
> victory over
> 	the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we  
> didn't
> 	need that. Our energy would simply PREVAIL. There was no point in
> 	fighting — on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were
> 	riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave...
> 	So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill  
> in Las
> 	Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost
> 	see the high-water mark — that place where the wave finally broke and
> 	rolled back.
> Pynchon's wave reversal is in the form of the Santa Anas. Climate  
> change figures heavily in the picture as well:
> 	It was late winter in Gordita, though for sure not the usual  
> weather. You
> 	heard people muttering to the effect that last summer the beach  
> didn't
> 	have summer till August, and now there probably wouldn't be any
> 	winter till spring.
> Coming up—Tiny Tim sings about climate change:
> "Dawn Weirdness" sounds like a conscious allusion to H.S.T. and the  
> state liquor stamps over the tops of tequila bottles in the stores  
> coming unstuck coupled with dim, lurid and biblical, sailor-take- 
> warning skies adds up to coming attractions of Pynchon's little  
> homage further on down the road.
> But beyond my usual fanboy preoccupations, I'm very curious what  
> others—Joseph? Alice? Dave?—think of the passage.
>> "Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the
>> revolutionary spirit and go out into a sometimes hostile world
>> declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism." -
>> Martin Luther King
> 	"7. And the Angel of Eris bade of the Lord: Go ye hence and lift the
> 	Stash, that ye may come to own it and, owning it, share it and,  
> sharing
> 	it, love in it and, loving in it, dwell in it and, dwelling in the  
> Stash,
> 	become a Poet of the Word and a Sayer of Sayings - an Inspiration to
> 	all men and a Scribe to the Gods.
> 	Principia Discordia

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