The Mechanical Bride Thread

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Tue Feb 23 19:41:17 CST 2010

I Have my McLuhan, the text, not Wiki, in front of me. As I have
posted from McLuhan's text on several occasion I was quite certain
that the text I quoted, that is indeed quoted in the wiki is not a
blurb or a publisher's advertisement or any such thing, but appears in
McLuhan's text. Morever, the passage is quite significant to the
discussion of Feminism and Feminist 2nd and 3rd wave Film Theory. So,
that I added it, as a Note from the wiki along with the Lara Croft
Note does not, in anyway diminish the point the discussion or the
authors or their ideas by spinning some grand theory of the world. In
the Mechanical Bride McLuhan discusses the popular magazines and
press, the dominant pattern he calls attention to is the linking of
sex with technology. He admits that he does not understand it all that
well, and perhaps this is Richard's point, that we are not discussing
McLuhan's mature and fully fleshed out or better understood ideas
about The Mechanical Bride and the Dynamo, and the replaceable parts
cultural dynamics.  But McLuhan is certain of the points he makes in
the passages quoted: The body Parts of the female citizen have been
indoctrinated and the atom bomb was named after Rita Hayworth. The
line Mcluhan draws from the bomb to the dynamo and the virgin is
clearly cut from the spool of Henry Adams.

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