INHERENT VICE - Thomas Pynchon - Fiction

Otto ottosell at
Sun Jan 3 05:30:32 CST 2010

Didn't Kai tell once that his daughter read AtD at 13?

I must admit that I would have some "little problems" imagining that
my daughter would read it at her present age (14).

But I think about giving her "The Catcher in the Rye."

2010/1/2 alice wellintown <alicewellintown at>:
> I'd suggest any other P novel but IV. At least VL has Prairie and she
> is the "teen protagonist" sort of coming of age. Seems more
> appropriate. Can 13-year-old kids dig all that "strange sex" and
> parody in IV? Doubt it. I'm still wondering if, since I read IV as
> having an unreliable narrator, is a work that, while ostensibly sold
> to the beach reader, isn't an elaborate hoax in the tradition of Poe
> and Melville. Maybe it's both a poor parody of a potboiling beach read
> and a hoax. Maybe it's just what Melville called "cash" or a book that
> the author would rather not admit he pushed out on the world. Yeah,
> that's it. So pushing it on a kid reader seems wrong. There are a
> million books that kid might better spend the time with. M&D is a fine
> read for a bright teen. At least she would learn something about
> America. IV has little of the depth and historical perspective that VL
> provides. Even Lot49, P's second orphan anmd weakest work would be a
> better recommendation.
> On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 1:48 AM, Otto <ottosell at> wrote:
>> "For any thirteen-year-olds out there who may be about to give Pynchon
>> a try, I'd recommend it."
>> 2010/1/2 Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at>:

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