Bono, Steve Jobs, etc.

John Carvill johncarvill at
Tue Jan 5 04:43:44 CST 2010

It's typical of Bono that he thinks he has to say "the artist Jeff
Koons", like we don't now who Koons is. And that he refers to Jonathan
Ive as 'Jonny Ive', just like Steve Jobs does. Having said that, over
here in Old Europe, we do view American cars as very clunky, unsexy,
and weird.

Here's a good profile of Jobs, which doesn't mention that Apple
products are overpriced and a ballache to use (or that the sound
quality of iPods is pathetic), but does point up Apple's willingness -
like most tech companies - to jump in bed with the 'defense' industry:

"Jobs might still be a Buddhist and greatly admire Gandhi, but that
does not make iPhone technology any less attractive to the Raytheon
defence contractor, which last year unveiled One Force Tracker, the
first of a series of software applications turning iPhone and iPod
touch devices into battlefield tools."

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