IV: Chapter 19 - page 343

Carvill, John john.carvill at sap.com
Tue Jan 5 09:49:47 CST 2010

Chevrolette McAdoo, ATD, Page 26

"You're an artiste, Miss McAdoo?"


-----Original Message-----
From: Bekah [mailto:bekah0176 at sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 3:13 PM
To: Carvill, John
Cc: 'Robin Landseadel'; 'pynchon-l at waste.org'
Subject: Re: IV: Chapter 19 - page 343

On Jan 5, 2010, at 4:49 AM, Carvill, John wrote:

>> The "Doheny-McAdoo era" is a very CoL49 drop-in,
> McAdoo also recalls ATD...

I thought so too but I didn't get a chance (or I forgot is a better  
way to put that) to check where it is in AtD.   At the end,  I think -  
where, where, where?

  "The Beaux-Arts mansion out on Adams" where Dick Counterfly was  
living -  (page 1034)  ???
The right time period but a significantly different style.
(Cecil B. DeMille's home)

West Adams street and it's homes:


Doheny-McAdoo era
This would be the 1920s. William Gibbs McAdoo (1863-1941) took a  
payment of $25,000 from oil executive Edward Doheny (1856-1935), an  
American oil tycoon, in connection with the Teapot Dome scandal, but  
returned it once he discovered Doheny's links with Secretary of the  
Interior Albert Bacon Fall. McAdoo, Woodrow Wilson's son-in-law and  
the leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination in  
1924, had served as an attorney for Doheny's oil businesses; 343

His home in LA:

The beach in his name:

Look familiar?



My little reading habit:

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