Bono, Steve Jobs, etc.

Bekah bekah0176 at
Tue Jan 5 20:32:11 CST 2010

I love my iPod and my Mac and I'm just chomping to see the new  
tablet,  iSlate - whatever.   Due to be unveiled on 1/27 and on sale  
in March.


On Jan 5, 2010, at 4:37 PM, malignd at wrote:

> Not much to say to this other than that I, and most of the rest of  
> the thinking world disagree with you.  To each his own.
> Yes, I do. Windows is ugly, and it certainly is not perfect.  
> But,having used a Macbook now for a few years, I have come to hate  
> it moreand more. The 'Finder', for instance, is an abomination.And  
> the ipod (of which I own two) is a joke as well. Crappy sound,wildly  
> overpriced, that terrible 'click wheel', the fact that it can'tbe  
> usefully operated while still in your pocket, etc etc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Carvill <johncarvill at>
> To: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at>
> Sent: Tue, Jan 5, 2010 6:03 pm
> Subject: Re: Bono, Steve Jobs, etc.
> <<Apple products are overpriced and a ballache to use>>> Hard to use  
> compared to what?  You find an imac harder to use than=20[pick your  
> computer brand] running windows?Yes, I do. Windows is ugly, and it  
> certainly is not perfect. But,having used a Macbook now for a few  
> years, I have come to hate it moreand more. The 'Finder', for  
> instance, is an abomination.And the ipod (of which I own two) is a  
> joke as well. Crappy sound,wildly overpriced, that terrible 'click  
> wheel', the fact that it can'tbe usefully operated while still in  
> your pocket, etc etc.

My little reading habit:

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