Portola IV: Chapter 19 - page 343

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 21:48:11 CST 2010

how about this impression:

the Portola expedition basically Western civ gazing upon this
beautiful scene and
about to sink its Golden Fangs into it

that is to say: these explorers are the Ur-instantiation in the SoCal bioregion
of the people  that Mr Fenway is talking about, his sort, who are "In Place",
who live by the concept of ownership

as opposed then to the Native Americans who didn't believe people
could own land,

and as opposed to (or "as oppressing") those now who turn their sights
to transitory goals such as a
fast car, a few seconds riding a wave, or a beautiful feeling from a drug

rather than pursuing real estate and earning a place in a social
hierarchy capable of issuing licenses to kill
and ensconcing their holders within a purposeful framework of
upholding those property rights...

and as much as Fenway's misplaced protectiveness toward his daughter which
expresses itself not in good treatment or nurturing of her but in
vengeance toward her exploiter
is deplorable...

and as unsavory as the notion of a permanent underclass supplying cheap
labor to keep Crocker Fenway and his group "in place" is...

still there is something admirable in their concept of meritocracy and
holding onto assets...

there is a capacity for "timebinding" that although lamentably violent
and materialistic -
"their walls are built of cannonballs,
their motto is 'Don't tread on me'"
- still smacks of something desirable, something respectable, enduring --

and one suspects that Doc is not unwise to place some trust in them

(the question at some points becomes, not whether one approves of how
the explorers treated the Indians, or how
the rich treat the poor, but where oneself will be in that picture)

- "A successful marriage is basically an endless cycle of wrongs
committed, apologies offered and forgiveness granted, all leavened by
the occasional orgasm." - Dan Savage ("Savage Love" columnist)

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