Someone (else) speak on Inherent Vice..?

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Wed Jan 6 00:53:37 CST 2010

On Jan 5, 2010, at 10:59 PM, alice wellintown wrote:

>  the point remains
> that you all have not been able to provide any text evidence for the
> claim that the author has written a text that reflects or expounds or
> in any way truly shines a light on his project as author. IV is an
> abortion when set next to AGTD and GR.

Plenty of evidence and argument,  but it's hard to hear with a pair  
of frozen chocolate bananas in the ears.

My general sense is that this was written as a brief fishing  
expedition for new readers. For my son it was his first Pynchon book  
and he liked it, found it amusing and intriguing and structurally  
unusual and is now reading Vineland and is interested in GR. I will  
not be surprised if it is made into a movie by the Cohen Brothers.

Also, no matter what lit freak and art for art's sake devotees think,  
I think there is a political and historic intent that connects all  
TRP has written.  This is a dark book about a society at war with  
it's own ideals, seduced by pornographic fantasies, where even basic  
human freedom is a bought in a devil's bargain.

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