Bono, Steve Jobs, etc.

Carvill, John john.carvill at
Wed Jan 6 03:29:14 CST 2010

Well, what is it that  the ipod adds to that experience that another MP3  player lacks?

I mainly use  my  iPod  hooked  up to either my  car stereo or my office PC, so it  may  as well be any MP3 player  really.

Listening to the iPod directly  poses two main problems:  one  is   the fact that  the supplied earphones are  shit; the other is the synthetic sound you get from the  iPod's sound chip.  It's a shame that the sound you get from a premium-priced product such as the ipod is significantly  worse than the sound you get from a bog-standard sound card in an office PC.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pynchon-l at [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at] On Behalf Of Keith
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 11:30 PM
To: pynchon -l
Subject: Re: Bono, Steve Jobs, etc.

I've been listening to Bill Dixon's "Tapestries for Small Orchestra" off and on all day on my iPod in supreme gratitude for this little contraption's existence. Here at work I'm limited to PCs. Can't wait to get home to my Mac.

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