IVIV Group Read schedule (in progress)

Paul Nightingale isread at btinternet.com
Mon Jan 18 13:04:48 CST 2010

I have started to sum up (although never 'finally') as I go. According to the schedule I should have started Ch21 by now, but that was never going to happen. Probably by the end of the week. None of us is going anywhere.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pynchon-l at waste.org [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at waste.org] On Behalf Of Dave Monroe
Sent: 18 January 2010 18:56
To: Bekah; Paul Nightingale
Cc: pynchon -l
Subject: Re: IVIV Group Read schedule (in progress)

On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 11:13 PM, Dave Monroe
<against.the.dave at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ch. 21, pp. 364-369 -- 1/19/10 - ... --Paul N.
> Outro ...

Damn.  This has gone by too quickly for me to keep/catch up with.
Keep @ it, of course, as long as you'd like, Paul, everyone, and feel
free Paul, anyone, to include a "final" summation when the time comes,
but ...

... but what I'd like to do, and what I'm to some extent even prepared
to do, in a week or so, and/or when the time comes (I'll bne wiating
for Paul's signal, and Paul rhymes with "stall," I hope, so ...), is
to keep teh discussion going, albeit even more free-ranging than usual
here, at least insofar as focus goes, to on the one hand, address the
text as a whole--though it'd be a good time for any particular notes
anyone has to add, revise, revisit, whatever, as well--but also, to
address the reading as whole, perhaps to forge a reading or two (or
...) of the book, both "in and of itself" (insofar as that's posible),
and in relation to Pynchon's other books (maybe even, as has been done
all along here, to other books, other works, period) ...

I'd of course also ... appreciate? w'll find out, but ... any feedback
you have regarding the group read--to soon? too fast? or ...

For my part, I've started rereading the book, albeit the closing
chapters first.  I owe y'all a buncha reponses, if not outright notes,
at any rate ...

Thanks again, Paul, Bekah, everybody, I THINK this has been
productive, and I hope y'all considfer at least "keeping the flame"
((c) C. McCarthy) 'til maybe ca. Valentine's Day or so ...

As always, feel free to bring up anything y'all like to duscuss.  Not
to mnetion to discuss it ...

Thanks again ...

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