News Alert: Supreme Court Rejects Campaign Spending Limits

Jude Bloom jude.bloom at
Thu Jan 21 15:15:07 CST 2010

seriously, is it wrong at this point to dream of the south seceding,
as they wanted to so long ago and still often do,  and having the
united states of america up top and the united states of jesus down
bottom?  i say this as a guy born in chattanooga tennessee and raised
in new orleans.  i have 30+ years in the south, so before someone
tries to crack me on the head for being racist, or classist, or
elitist, or whatever, let me just say that 30 years is a long fucking
time and hopefully i've earned up some karma credit allowing me to not
dance around the south's feelings.

but anyway, the left could go up top and to the coasts, which seems to
be where we are already, and the
crowd could go down south?  we'll have to come up with something to do
with the jews in florida, i say this as a jew in wisconsin so once
again please hold your letters, but that's alright, they're jews,
we're used to moving around.  i guess we'd have to give em alaska,
too.  whatever.

i think it would be worth it.  up top, we could vote that, say, health
care probably isn't the best business in the world to have for-profit
folks running it.  and they, of course, could vote the modern cicero
that is sarah palin beauty queen and defense advisor and whatever the
fuck else they want.  true, in 10 years they'd all be dead of gunshot
wounds, refusing vaccines based on biochemical evolution, and from
invading the entire middle east.  we might even have to build a wall
keeping them out.  but then i guess the left isn't in for that kind of
thing.  well, whatever.  sorry for the volubility.  i was inspired
today to try some of IV Doc's favorite medicine.  it seems to be
working quite fine.

~ j

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 2:58 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> Congress passed a bill, and SCOTUS killed it.  Ergo Constitutional amendment.
> Of course if we can't have a Health Care bill with a Democratic Party
> controlled congress and Presidency following Bush's...
> OK, just shoot me.
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Henry M <scuffling at> wrote:
>> If Congress can't pass a bill, a Constitutional amendment doesn't seem
>> very likely.
>>  AsB4,
>>  Henry Mu
>>> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 3:30 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
>>>> a Constitutional amendment would trump the Supreme Court ruling.
>>>> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:
>>>>> Congress has to pass legislation that takes away 'legal personhood' from corporations, ...but fat chance......since real persons have no right even to their health.................

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