Jane Eyre in the Caribbean

Bekah bekah0176 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 21 22:57:37 CST 2010

Sorry -  I don't watch movies -  they always make my eyes too tired  
and I fall asleep.   The last movie I watched was probably American  
Beauty about 10 years ago.  (This includes videos -  I last 10  
minutes,  max.)


On Jan 21, 2010, at 7:00 PM, grladams at teleport.com wrote:

> This is a movie with themes that may appeal to Pynchon-heads
>           'specially maybe the ladies on the list?
> I Walked with a Zombie     1943
> watching it right now       colonial, man woman struggle, mysterious,
> weird, thanatopic
>   would love to know if anyone else has seen it
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