3rd riff on The Preserved....for easy responses

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 23 17:11:37 CST 2010

So the racing, fishing vessels continued until replaced by diesel-powered--gotta be a TRP bad news embodiment...............

The Preserved actually beat The BLUENOSE..(which had two stamps issued in its name!)

Fishing schooners became obsolete after World War II, and despite efforts to keep her in Nova Scotia, the undefeated Bluenose was sold to work as a freighter in the West Indies. She foundered on a Haitian reef and was lost on January 28, 1946.

Meanwhile, The Preserved, still with some old-time, maritime values? is presumed to have been sunk BY AMERICANS! but is bought by an old minor actor and has Commie associations (thru Burke's movie), and shows up---"which is where the Bermuda Triangle comes in"..---off Cuba, other side of the oceans, retrofitted and now soulless.......

Now in the Bahamas, it is renamed The Golden Fang.....

Sure could be read by someone who was For Interpretation as a nice symbol of some of P's themes, yes? 

And in the chapter we are in we learn that Sauncho has a piece of a class action suit on its cargo. Doc just guessed that about Sauncho.....some old values remain..(P always sez, it seems)


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