IVIV20: They both knew, 356-359
Mark Kohut
markekohut at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 24 08:00:15 CST 2010
Sauncho, as Paul states, is reality-based within Doc's projective world.
We readers learn many facts, p. 90-93, about The Preserved and we learn Sauncho was fact-based enough to have signed onto a class action piece.
I think it is a nice internal metaphor for the cargo from the past, from the "unconscious", from values before most (modern) nation-state wars...
--- On Sun, 1/24/10, alice wellintown <alicewellintown at gmail.com> wrote:
> From: alice wellintown <alicewellintown at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: IVIV20: They both knew, 356-359
> To: pynchon-l at waste.org
> Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 8:29 AM
> We should consider the possibility.
> As this advice should be applied
> to a great deal of what Larry/Doc constructs, as well as
> what is
> constructed by other competing narratives in IV, we can say
> with
> confidence that most if not all of the narrative is
> compromised or
> encumbered by a narrative perspective that is either
> unreliable
> because it is tripping or otherwise intoxicated with drugs,
> although
> these narrative trips paradoxically afford insights not
> available to
> what would seem a more reliable (sober) perspective, or is
> undermined
> or at least rendered only a possibility by competing
> narratives and
> the consistent use of subjunctive ambiguities.
> > I think we should consider that the Preserved doesn't
> exist outside of Doc's
> > construction of it (ie "during the acid trip ..." etc,
> 356). Yes, there is
> > the archeological account, courtesy of Sauncho, that
> speaks of beginnings
> > and emergence on 90-93; but what we have subsequently
> is Doc insisting that
> > he sees the Preserved, denying the makeover (reversing
> the process with
> > Lew/Kareem). It is a going back. On 340: "... it's
> real name".
> >
> > The dream on 340-341 ends thus: "Doc wanted to believe
> that Coy, Hope and
> > Amethyst were somehow on board ..." etc. And then Doc
> and Sauncho "bicker
> > about it" (341). Sauncho the lawyer has a thing about
> facts.
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