Back to the past....riffing on THE PRESERVED

Richard Fiero rfiero at
Sun Jan 24 18:09:40 CST 2010

Mark Kohut wrote:
>  . . .
>No, to the inherent vice within the unconscious except as the 
>unconscious got perverted sometime in history..
>Which of course begs the question of how it got perverted if the 
>unconscious is universal....

Are we talking about the little ship of consciousness on the sea of 
the unconscious?
Perversion? Well sure, wars, UFO sightings, social darwinism.

alice wellintown wrote:
>23 January 2010, Boston,  reprinted in NY Times Op-Ed 24 January 2010
>  . . .
>Between God and a Hard Place
>Terrible catastrophes inevitably encourage appeals to God. We who are,
>at present, unfairly luckier, whether believers or not, might reflect
>on the almost invariably uncharitable history of theodicy, and on the
>reality that in this context no invocation of God beyond a desperate
>appeal for help makes much theological sense. For either God is
>punitive and interventionist (the Robertson view), or as capricious as
>nature and so absent as to be effectively nonexistent (the Obama
>view). Unfortunately, the Bible, which frequently uses God's power
>over earth and seas as the sign of his majesty and intervening power,
>supports the first view; and the history of humanity's lonely
>suffering decisively suggests the second.

Gee, whatever.
Many of us see God as a projection of the unconscious. Not by the 
unconscious, but a conscious projection of the un-whatever.

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