Back to the past....riffing on THE PRESERVED

Robin Landseadel robinlandseadel at
Tue Jan 26 23:23:18 CST 2010

And the riot squad they're restless . . .

On Jan 26, 2010, at 9:15 PM, Michael Bailey wrote:

> a) Non-rigorous Theory of Memory, Version 1
> I think they are stored on a "server" and the brain is more of a "thin
> client".  Brain damage could certainly
> disappear some memories - ie, the ports or sessions dedicated to those
> memories have been terminated -
> and so can problems upstream such as loss of connectivity to the  
> server...
> b) Non-rigorous Theory of Memory, Version 2
> I think that when you remember, you connect via subtle means through
> the luminiferous ether
> of Space-time back to the actual event you are remembering
> c) or there's the Bob Dylan storage schema:
> "Einstein, disguised as Robin Hood, with his memories in a trunk..."

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