Dave Monroe against.the.dave at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 22:47:35 CST 2010

I apparently DIDN'T send this to the List.  I'd hoped to catch up this
weekend, if nothing else, but instead have by and large been making
one last round of the little things I enjoy here, plus wasting a lot
of time depressed, panicked, what have you.  I have been advised to
check into a hospital for "observation."  I should probably do this,
but I also have something which could prove to be the biggest
immediate disaster, at any rate, of my life, if not to date, at least
in some time.  One of those couple/few things I'd simply rather not
have survived to face, albeit apocalyptic only @ personal scale ...

Please forgive me, I stupidly allowed all this to culminate @ the
worst possible time for me here (at very least).  If I may make what
may or may not be one last request here, it's to go back, think about
what you expected, maybe hat you wanted, even, and what you found
instead, then found out along the way, and might have found since.
For example.  Think about where IV stands in relation to the rest of
the oeuvre, continuities, repetitions, revelations, on the one hand,
disjunctions, novelties,complications on the other ...

I short, keep reading, keep talking.  Thank you all for your efforts,
not to mention yr companionship, friendship, even.  I hope to be back,
t any rate ...

KCBC.  U.s.w., et soforhiam.  Now, everybody---

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: IVIV

While we obviously never REALLY finished reading ANYTHING here--and
never really can, the only way we might have chosen texts more open to
rereading and (re)interpretation was to be a Bible study group--I find
myself sadder than I've ever been to see a "formal" (insofar as
anything is here) group reading, at least, approach its end, even if I
hope--or had hoped, at any rate ..--to prolong tat epilogue, to stave
off that denouement, whatever ...

A-and maybe I'll still be able to, but ...

... but I also feel guiltier than ever for not really participating,
not in the least because I  kicked this one off, perhaps too early and
@ too quick a pace, and then went by and large absconditus, always
hoping, at least, to catch up. And now that i find myself perhaps wit
the the time, at least ...

First off, I wan to thank you all for being as truly amongst my friend
as anyone I know if the offline world these past, waht, well, several
years, to say the least.  These couple of centuries.  Believe it or
not, be appalled by this or not, this has been by and lare the most
productive venture of the past __ (?--I'm afraid to look it up) years
of my life.  And these days, it has been, more than ever, what has
kept me going, despite ...

Well, maybe it's time I let y'all know just What's Been Going On these
past several months.  First off, Inherent Vice was, until recently
(or, at any rate, ca. Halloween or so), been all that's kept e going
through homelessness.  Straight up no home on the streets
homelessness.  Which, for the record,w as NOT a financial issue (not
that I'm financially well off, at least, hardly, but, well, I do--did,
perhaps, depending ...--have a job), I just, well ...

... well, caught between a rock and a hard place, I of course got
crushed, so ...

... so now I'm typing @ y'all from a bona fide, beceilinged and
beplumbinged Residence.  Even if I'm now wearing prescription socks
and walking with a cane ...

i also became a crippled American over the past year, likely an
epiphenonmenon of homelessness, but ...

... but it's when I (inevitably?) lose my job (IF  do, but ..) that
things will get REALLY bad.  I ca't eve BEGIN to speculate, not nwo,
at any rate, not without shaking uncontrollably, but ...

Well, thanks again, and if I'm not around, somebody, please ...

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