Fw: V-2nd. Contraceptives on every door

alice wellintown alicewellintown at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 18:22:18 CDT 2010

Benny is a Jew. In fact, the novel goes out of its way to draw his
family tree and heritage from Job and the wandering Jew. Fairly
important; at least as important as his Italian and Greek
heritage--Prometheus and Christ (also a Jew). I doubt very much that
Benny's aloof wanderings and reveries about playing god or angels of
death is a product of some self-loathing Jewish reactionary. Also,
it's not fair to conflate Benny's thoughts with the authors.

On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 6:40 PM,  <kelber at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Had to actually look up the definition of animadvert, Mike.  Your animadversions are always interesting and entertaining.
> Am I the only one who saw in Profane's condom-nailing a simple, "Fuck you, scum-bags!" along with maybe a little intra-Jew anti-semitism, along the lines of:  Yeah, you're all so full of your insular Jewish culture, with your Five Towns and your kosher Chinese cuisine and your Princess daughters obsessed with their fancy cars.  So how come you guys don't even have mezuzahs on your vacation cabins?  I'll give you some mezuzahs, you scumbags!"
> By the way, my limited experience with kosher Chinese (or kosher anything, for that matter) is that it's uniformly awful.
> Here's an example, not too far from where I live.  You've got to give them credit for the bad pun:
> http://menupages.com/restaurants/shang-chai-kosher-restaurant/
> Laura
> -----Original Message-----
>>From: Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com>
>>Sent: Jul 7, 2010 9:48 AM
>>To: P-list <pynchon-l at waste.org>
>>Subject: Re: Fw: V-2nd. Contraceptives on every door
>>pretty sure everybody is tired of my animadverting here, so this is my
>>last contribution to this thread, the better to follow along with
>>Laura's hostship for the rest of the week (although there's one more
>>Mark post I have earmarked to return to at some point...) but a
>>torrent of insights flowed through me and I really wanted to express
>>some of the alluvia
>>such as the question of morals and mores and how as a novelist he's
>>allowed to explore issues without giving final answers
>>adding just a light touch on the Catholic-influence possibility
>>and a stout defense of Pynchon's characterization M.O. (and thinking
>>of how the glimpses caught of the characters, like sunlight thru a
>>stained glass window, for me illuminate and enliven them more than I
>>can express well (obviously)
>>Yippy dippy dippy,
>>Flippy zippy zippy,
>>Smippy gdippy gdippy, too!
>>- Thomas Pynchon ("'Zo Meatman's Gone AWOL")

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