The Moviegoer (was Rachel's hand jive)

Carvill, John john.carvill at
Tue Jul 13 02:40:28 CDT 2010

<< It has been a long time since I read it..I do not remember the MG line....which, 
of course, corrals Binx with Rachel....another author on our culture's car 
fetish............... >>

Yes, and it's not just that one line, there are several such instances, both of auto-fetishisation and of line blurring between animate and inanimate, the car being depicted/described in animal terms. At one point, the car is (I think) compared to a horse, and the passage reminded me of a bit from GR where the Rocket is similarly described. I think the word used - in GR - was 'whinnying'.

<< That Binx deosn't feel really alive, engaged with his life, with life, is a 
sibling theme of Pynchon's from the time, yes? alienation was so 
(irony intended). >>

True, but I think there is likely more that's Pynchonian in there. However, I was determined to *read* and *enjoy* books on this holiday so I did not take notes or mark passages.

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