V-2nd, C3 Misc.

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 23 08:09:11 CDT 2010

the phrase "forcible dislocation of personality" is used herein. Which reminded 
me of

Dissociation of sensibility is a literary term first used by T. S. Eliot in his 
essay “The Metaphysical Poets”[1] It refers to the way in which intellectual 
thought was separated from the experience of feeling in seventeenth century 
poetry.  ......................More here at wikipedia....
One might gloss by saying that Pynchon took eliot's insight into the semsibility 
of the poets of the 17th century and sez
that it applies to everyone's personality, evveryone's self.......
in fact. a dislocation of personality is sorta like schizophrenia, yes?....


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