V-2nd C4 The Eternal Drama of Love and Death

Robin Landseadel robinlandseadel at comcast.net
Sat Jul 31 10:37:34 CDT 2010

Glad you could clear that up.
On Jul 30, 2010, at 1:13 PM, alice wellintown wrote:

> Can't very well have it both ways, can he? Is it Ok to be or not to
> be....? It is your life, take it if you want to. It is your life, your
> life, take and use it or lose it. Nothing wrong with a record or a
> photograph. I can listen to music I would never hear without
> recordings. I can sit here and see a photo of Castro; I'll never meet
> him. The world is flat, the world is hot, the lexus and the olive
> tree. It is all a matter of "IF" or perhaps or, as Tanner discusses in
> his essay on M&D, the subjunctive. Is it OK? That is the question? Of
> course, koans have no answer. Romance, is about the sublime and the
> paradoxical. Pynchon, it seems, would have made a very good catholic
> priest, but he read Adams and Marx and Edmund Wilson, and Chardin,
> although he seems to have a thing or two against Jewish gals with
> daddy money sports cars and  5 towns negro maids and  pushed up Norma
> Jean D noses, Farina must have hated them, he does  like the world
> between her thighs.

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