Hitchens on Pynchon

rich richard.romeo at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 09:30:02 CDT 2010

find this whole thing odd. I mean why the fuck did he call the guy

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Henry Musikar <scuffling at gmail.com> wrote:
> Q: You mention being introduced to J.D. Salinger?
> A: No, I never was. Oh, I understand. Introduced to his books. That's right.
> I did, however, once get a call from Thomas Pynchon, though, and if
> anything, he's been less approachable. I said, "Yeah, yeah, it's Thomas
> Pynchon." But he established he certainly was Thomas Pynchon. He is a friend
> of my friend Ian McEwan. I made a bid to try and meet up with him and he
> said, "Oh, no, no, that's all right" and hung up.
> Q: It's an odd notoriety.
> A: Yes it is. I find it rather creepy. It seems like a long way for someone
> to go in order to seek the love of others, a strange way of avoiding one's
> notoriety. If you want to avoid publicity, you should probably not make a
> huge sensation about the avoiding part. I find it rather suspect.
> http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/books/ct-live-0609-hitchens-pr-2
> 0100609,0,3675752.story
> Henry Mu
> Sr. IT Analyst
> http://astore.amazon.com/tdcoccamsaxe-20/

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