V published 1961

david meyer davidmeyer81 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 23:49:15 CDT 2010

Richard Feynman did some lectures on physics that fall, too. some of it was
recorded for posterity er wutever...

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 11:01 PM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at sover.net> wrote:

> The wikipedia on 1961 is almost Pynchonian itself beginning with  an
> observation from Mad Magazine
> As MAD Magazine pointed out on its cover for the March 1961 issue, this was
> the first "upside-up" year—i.e., one in which the numerals that form the
> year look the same as when the numerals are rotated upside down—since 1881,
> and the last until 6009.
> Kennedy ( not Nixon) in, Ike out.
> Dylan arrives in NYC to visit  Woody Guthrie in hospital
> Bay of Pigs
> Gagarin first human to orbit earth in spaceflight, "The Earth is blue [...]
> How wonderful. It is amazing."—Gagarin, to ground control.  Alan Shepherd
> comes in second.
> In Portugal, a coup attempt against António de Oliveira Salazar fails.
> Algiers putsch: Four French generals who oppose de Gaulle's policies in
> Algeria fail in a coup attempt.
>  U.S. Freedom Riders begin interstate bus rides to test the new U.S.
> Supreme Court integration decision. A Freedom Riders bus is fire-bombed near
> Anniston, Alabama and the civil rights protestors are beaten by an angry
> mob. Freedom Riders are arrested in Jackson, Mississippi for "disturbing the
> peace" after disembarking from their bus.
> Nuclear testing: The Soviet Union detonates a 58-megaton yield hydrogen
> bomb known as Tsar Bomba over Novaya Zemlya. It remains the largest ever
> man-made explosion. Now all God's chillun got bombs.
> Catch-22 is first published by Joseph Heller
> The Beatles perform for their first time at the Cavern Club
> The Fantastic Four #1 comic debuts, launching the Marvel Universe and
> revolutionizing the American comic book industry.
>  Erwin Schrödinger, Dashiell Hammett, Lee DeForest,  Ernest Hemingway, Dag
> Hammarskjöld, and many other people died, paying the cost of admission, a
> payment most put off to the last possible moment.
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