Down with more prolegomena! Give me a V. .....

Richard Ryan himself at
Fri Jun 11 11:43:18 CDT 2010

It's interesting that those lines of perspective converge as they
recede.  Some sort of phenomenological metaphor there....

Surely some Lister has already observed that, in its role as the 22nd
letter of the alphabet, "V" may intend a playful allusion to Joseph
Heller's 1961 masterpiece.

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Robin Landseadel
<robinlandseadel at> wrote:
> Of course, the "V." signifies the two different story threads of the novel,
> both receding into the distance. Like Pynchon's other titles, the naming of
> the text promotes multiple readings of the name of the text and of the
> novels as well.

Richard Ryan
New York and the World
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat.
                                --Robert Frost

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