Grasping for V. Group Read

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sat Jun 12 09:00:40 CDT 2010

is it the sneakers, among other actions that define Benny as schlemihl? A fine Jewish literary
tradition although Benny isn't, right? .........

Struck on p. 2 of perennial edition by how TRP so accents the force of coming upon East Main
street....'abstract Street", a steady theme in V. gives him nightmares.....'sprang on his nerves
like "dog into wolf, light into twilight EMPTINESS INTO WAITING PRESENCE [my caps] 
 and other scary metamorphoses.

Street= city? = not a natural--organic?--way to live?....

Light, see ATD, dark and twilight???

P.S. "best technique for jumping thru a plate glass window"....points to Vineland of course. 
one potential berserk.......


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