Down with more prolegomena! Give me a V. .....

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun Jun 13 17:32:10 CDT 2010

since i can't top that with fact......

and since there is one edition w/out it----English Picador (although we know the horn on the new Harper paperback is WRONG)---

I'll bow to Michael's Firesign Theater-like refutation.

Don't answer that question boys and girls....

----- Original Message ----
From: Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at>
To: Mark Kohut <markekohut at>; P-list <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Sun, June 13, 2010 6:13:01 PM
Subject: Re: Down with more prolegomena! Give me a V. .....

Mark Kohut wrote:
> Richard Ryan asks:
> Interesting but reference please?
> Only in my scholarly dreams do i have everything on file.....I believe it was in one of his letters to Cork Smith in the sixties...those ones his agent sold....

the only place I've read that is in a quite possibly fabricated
account of somebody attending a Thomas Pynchon birthday celebration in
a New York saloon and overhearing a gentleman in an overcoat (by
implication, the author in disguise) telling some young ladies, "It's
V period, dammit"
which reminds me of that eddie murphy bit where he goes, "I'm Gumby, dammit"

at least that's where I think I saw it...


Yippy dippy dippy,
Flippy zippy zippy,
Smippy gdippy gdippy, too!
- Thomas Pynchon ("'Zo Meatman's Gone AWOL")


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