V-2nd: The Whole Sick Crew

kelber at mindspring.com kelber at mindspring.com
Mon Jun 14 10:40:30 CDT 2010

Pynchon came in as the beats and beatniks were breathing their last gasps, a few years before the hippies hit the scene.  But the beat generation and their poor cousins, the beatniks were still synonymous with hip-ness.  Pynchon was seduced along with everyone else, but he got over it quickly and moved on.

Kerouac - the genuine article:


And knock-offs ad nauseum, ranging from influental (to young impressionable college grads) to idiotic:






Every east coast college kid wanted to live in the Village:



-----Original Message-----
>From: Kai Frederik Lorentzen <lorentzen at hotmail.de>
>Sent: Jun 14, 2010 9:22 AM
>To: pynchon-l at waste.org
>Cc: markekohut at yahoo.com
>Subject: V-2nd: Cassavetes and Pynchon
>The NYC Whole Sick Crew thing might also be inspired by "Shadows"!
>Hard to imagine that Tom did not see this movie.
>While we're at it: Just last week I once more saw "The Killing Of A Chinese
>Bookie" (my favourite Cassavetes movie ... that rhythmic atmospheric intensity,
>incomparable, ah, when cinéma still was alive and kicking ...) and it strongly
>reminded me of "Inherent Vice" (bzw. vice versa) insofar as it plays, just like
>"Chinatown" which was mentioned during the group read, with the LA noir thriller
>genre, fulfilling and - at the same time - transcending it in order to deal
>with more basic questions of art and human existence.
>Considering Cassavetes as an actor, there's another IV-connection ...

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