Grasping for V. Group Read

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Mon Jun 14 21:09:52 CDT 2010

Mark Kohut wrote:
> As is 'the mine sweeper Impulsive"......hilarious
> As is Dewey Gland, which name, when he was told it, made V. Nabokov laugh and laugh.....almost to deweyness
> Too-earnest a belated thought after the above: why did P use the jump threw a window trope
> again in Vineland?.....I might say in my lit crit mode: what was the talk of drunken sailors in
> America in 1955 became real in 70s America......

ooh, good one....
also, hmm, the difference between the outside and the inside,
shattering the boundary...

Yippy dippy dippy,
Flippy zippy zippy,
Smippy gdippy gdippy, too!
- Thomas Pynchon ("'Zo Meatman's Gone AWOL")

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