Grasping for V. Group Read: first V. mention; second sighting

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Wed Jun 16 15:27:13 CDT 2010

A V as in two parallel lines (e.g. railroad tracks) meeting at infinity? 
Suppose you draw a line across the top of the English letter V . What you 
get is, of course, a triangle. Let the bottom angle represent V., Then take 
the top angles as Stencil and Benny (?). Do we have a representation of the 
plot, such as it is? Or of something more interesting? What does infinity 
have to do with it?

From: "Mark Kohut" <markekohut at>
Saturday, June 12, 2010 1:45 PM
Subject: Grasping for V. Group Read: first V. mention; second sighting

2/3 of the way down page 2, perennial edition:

"overhead, turning everybody's face green and ugly, shone mercury-vapor
lamps, receding in an asymmetric V to the east where it's dark and there
are no more bars." That V is not accidental, of course.

I ask you to remember street lamps in AtD and, I ask you to remember
receding V mercury-vapor lamps when we get to V and her age later in the 

V is ugly artificial light in descriptive association here...


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