V-2nd: "No", she said" ........"Meaning yes"

alice wellintown alicewellintown at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 19:36:57 CDT 2010

> See also Meat Loaf, "Paradise by the Dashboard Light."

In PDBTDBL (1977) He says he loves her and will love her for Ever.
This is long before "What's Love got to do with it" (1993)and, even if
we discount the times, was never listened to by the same audience as
"Work with me Annie" (1954). My point is that Benny's crew was sick,
as in West Side Story "We are Sick" (1961) in the Juvenile delinquent,
Juvenal Satire sense.

Horstman quoting other critics of typical Literary Criticism of Pynchon:

But among the terms critics use to describe Pynchon's world-terms like
entropy, indeterminacy, uncertainty, ambiguity, and paranoia, -is one not
often associated with postmodernism-namely, morality. "My sense is that
most of Pynchon's critics agree," writes Alan Wilde, that Pynchon is "not
only a moralist but an insistent, urgent, and sometimes (most notably in
V.) a heavy-handed one."
Robert D. Newman agrees, asserting that "in addition to black humorist,
fabulist, encyclopedist, detective, and mercurial delinquent, [Pynchon} is
a moralist. Pynchon is "the recording conscience of our demise as a
culture and the voice of salvation alternatives."

"What sort of Politics may proceed herefrom, only He that sows the Seeds
of Folly in His World may say."
                -The Revd Wicks Cherrycoke, Spiritual Day-Book

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