V-2nd, ongoing profanity

Robin Landseadel robinlandseadel at comcast.net
Thu Jun 17 19:48:14 CDT 2010

On Jun 17, 2010, at 5:35 PM, Michael Bailey wrote:
> Robin Landseadel wrote:
>> TRP makes a facile equation of the breakdown of
>> tonal centers and the breakdown of mores and morals in its wake as La
>> Jarretière is impaled during the ballet's musical climax. Meanwile,  
>> the boss
>> comes up with lines about  "Mongolized fairies."
>> Cyprian, in many ways, serves as a corrective.
> not to mention that all along, like the Evacuation, it was theatre,
> raspberry jam wasn't it?


> to find that out 36-odd years (some of them very odd) later,
> (I first read V. in 1971, I think) is just one of the reasons that
> it's been rewarding to be a lifelong fan of this author...

Doubtless, still, "V." continues to irk me in ways the other books  

> audiences in Paris anyway took their art pretty seriously

There were responding mainly to Vaslav Nijinsky's ultra-awkward and  
silly looking choreography.

> can any of us imagine attending a performance and being moved to riot
> on the spot?

Americans are hopelessly fat and lazy. Of course, one could say that  
all them cops in Watts were performing.

> I can't, but supposedly it happened, right?

Well, them Frogs can get kinda uppity . . .

> -- 
> Yippy dippy dippy,
> Flippy zippy zippy,
> Smippy gdippy gdippy, too!
> - Thomas Pynchon ("'Zo Meatman's Gone AWOL")

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