Best Essay on Inherent Vice Yet

David Morris fqmorris at
Mon Jun 21 08:55:55 CDT 2010

LA's sprawl is truly awful.  Visiting my stepson a few weeks ago,
arriving at LAX about 2:30PM on a Thursday, bumper-to-bumper for
nearly two hours just to get to Burbank.  Yikes!

> 'Pynchon's Coast: Inherent Vice and the Twilight of the Spatially Specific'
> by Bill Millard>
> The way California was physically developing in 1970, the way the U.S. has largely continued to develop-sprawling laterally to an extreme degree, maximizing energy consumption and vehicular miles traveled, locking much of the population into the addictive network of homeowner debt, spewing greenhouse gases, postponing accountability for the population-wide insistence on maximal convenience, and generally mismanaging its physical inheritance for private profit-demonstrates a systemic inherent vice, well beyond what any individual can influence.

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