V-2nd: Grasping and not...
David Morris
fqmorris at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 14:10:31 CDT 2010
Right. Benny is Slothrop's predecessor with a family history
(programming) that compels him to be Stencilish. I would guess that
Pynchon feels (felt?) very close to both Benny & Slothrop.
On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 2:01 PM, <kelber at mindspring.com> wrote:
> TRP wasn't much older than (possibly the same age as) Benny, and, in addition to having been in the navy, must have shared many of Benny's attitudes and concerns. The very process of writing this novel must have helped TRP become less Benny-like, more Stencil-ish (while Stencil's researching V., young TRP's researching the V-2).
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