V Group Read - tentative schedule

kelber at mindspring.com kelber at mindspring.com
Wed Jun 23 14:05:37 CDT 2010

Here's where we stand.  Chap. 6 or 7, anyone?  If the last week of August is hard for everyone, we could restructure the read like so:

Chap. 6:  8/30-9/12
Chap. 7: 9/13 - 9/26

Does that help?

Present schedule:

6/14-6/27 - Chap. 1 - Mark Kohut

6/28 -7/11 - Chap. 2 - Laura Kelber

7/12 - 7/25 - Chap. 3 - Ian Livingston

7/26 - 8/8 - Chap. 4 - Dave Monroe

8/9 - 8/22 - Chap. 5 - Joseph Tracy

8/23- 9/5 - Chap. 6 – 

9/6 - 9/26 - Chap. 7 - (3 weeks, 1-2 hosts)

9/27 - 10/10 - Chap. 8 - Mike Bailey

10/11 - 10/31 - Chap. 9 -  (3 weeks) - Robin Landseadel

11/1 - 11/14 - Chap. 10 -

11/15 - 12/5 - Chap. 11 (3 weeks, 2 hosts)

12/6 - 12/19 - Chap. 12 - 

Winter break

1/10 - 1/23 - Chap. 13 - Heikki Raudaskoski

1/24 - 2/6 - Chap. 14 - Page

2/7 - 2/20 - Chap. 15 -

2/21 - 3/6 - Chap. 16 -

3/7 - 3/20 - Epilogue

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