NP RE: Pynchon wrote in his defense...we think they are some kind of friends

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Mon Mar 8 20:15:07 CST 2010

on the one hand, the Whole Earth Catalogs were a lot of fun
and he had to have been some kind of bullgoose hippie at one point

isn't it true that there have to be really massive screwups for a
nuclear power plant to malfunction - not just the kind of stuff you
might do on a bad day, but stuff like higher-ups deciding to turn
off safety features compounded with zombie-like braindeadness
on the part of the operators, bad weather, and zodiacal alignments
of great malignity and rarity?

on the other hand, there is still no good place to put the waste...
and suitcase bombs full of that are just the thing for your choice of Al Qaeda
or false-flag CIA operations to brandish, right?

but what I always wonder, and maybe Monte could set me straight,
is for the billions and billions of dollars they are sinking into this
flawed design, couldn't they instead put a big chunk of that into making
(hot) fusion work?  every few months I read about how somebody
has done some more in that direction but they never seem to fqn
GET anywhere, is this the kind of problem a bunch of money could fix?

tritium has a much shorter half-life, no?

-- "the problem with the deployment of frictionless surfaces is
that they're not getting traction."

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