ATD and ghosts/thanatoids

Gavin Findlay gavinf at
Thu Mar 11 04:24:57 CST 2010

Thanks fellas

Th part that interests me is more the redemptive power of the  
Thanatoids/ghosts... people continue to be haunted until they have  
faced up to what they have caused, and returned to the trail.

It's a very direct and very real concept.

On 10/03/2010, at 11:36 PM, Mark Kohut wrote:

> John's words:
> Which leads me, once again, to think this, too, is part of TRP's  
> satiric comedies....
> Re: revenge on the universe or wishful thinking [DM], it is a very  
> interesting pov considering TRPs use of inevitable psychic revenge--- 
> return of the repressed, for example--in GR and elsewhere. Cf. The  
> Trespassers from the future in AtD?? [per J. Tracey, maybe?]
> A...and when i read articles on how even if we destroy ourselves on  
> this earth, what is left will inevitably 'adjust' to what is  
> left....even cosmically,....................ultimate karmic  
> adjustment is entropy, no?
> I think, with John [if I have him right], the concept is as broad as  
> most astrology readings, say.
> Cf. early in ATD when Lew is told there is no connection between  
> penance and justice [I paraphrase]....THIS seems more like Pynchon's  
> vision not
> his Karmic adjustment jokes....
> --- On Tue, 3/9/10, John Bailey <sundayjb at> wrote:
>> From: John Bailey <sundayjb at>
>> Subject: Re: ATD and ghosts/thanatoids
>> To: "Gavin Findlay" <gavinf at>
>> Cc: pynchon-l at
>> Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 2:24 AM
>> Vineland, Inherent Vice and now AtD
>> have been very free 'n' easy with
>> this concept of karmic adjustment. Isn't it a bit like
>> saying
>> 'everything'll sort itself out?' Is it an older writer
>> losing the
>> fighting flame that fuelled GR? Or is it an enduring legacy
>> of the 60s
>> (I wasn't there and I remember that).
>> Then again, despite a strong affinity for various Eastern
>> philosophies, I've always felt the idea of karma was just a
>> way of
>> projecting your own revenge instincts onto the universe at
>> large.
>> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 6:04 PM, Gavin Findlay  
>> <gavinf at>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi people
>>> Have now finished ATD and near the end, where it is
>> very ambiguous as to
>>> what world the protagonists are in, Lew Basnight
>> encounters (p1057 Cape
>>> hardback) what is self-evidently a party of what will
>> in Vineland be called
>>> Thanatoids, at Carefree Crescent. They are even
>> presided by someone called
>>> Virgil and discuss the topic of karmic adjustment.
>>> I have some rereading of other works to do obviously
>> to more fully
>>> understand but that will be a pleasure.
>>> Bought my copy of Inherent Vice while travelling on
>> the weekend, adding to
>>> the pleasure.
>>> tonebuddha

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