Aggregated tangential plist-related found stuff...(and one on Alice in W.)

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Fri Mar 12 10:09:17 CST 2010

Nixonland lives

Banana fiber underwear

Graph paper
   So you're telling me that on the whole Internet, I can't get bedsheets that look like graph paper? 

1970 to now. Growing Inequality, an inherent vice, so to speak.
  SocialistZine    Americans went from being the Western nation w/ the most equal distribution of wealth in 1970 to the Western nation with the least equal distribution of wealth in 2008 

    Audiobooker: Free audiobook: Alice in Wonderland: Great family listening for Spring Break! Were you intrigued by B... 

Tesla coils
   I never get to dance in a cage between two huge Tesla coils: High School Teacher ELECTROCUTED!---NOT! 


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