The meaing of mathematics in Against the Day.....

David Morris fqmorris at
Wed Mar 17 11:05:56 CDT 2010

Pynchon needed mention the phrase "foundational crisis" for it to
figure prominently in AtD.  Are you saying he's quoted the following

“The political crisis in Europe maps into the crisis in mathematics.
[…] The connections lie there […] – hidden and poisonous. Those of us
who must creep among them do so at our peril.

My take on all this is that it's all pretty trite, no deep reflections
there.  So mathematics took off in abstract directions back then, some
in ways contradictory to observable science.  So what!  It's a pretty
shallow metaphor for the existential crisis of modernity, if you ask

David Morris

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Ray Easton <kraimie at> wrote:
> This writer is confused.  Quite surprisingly (to me), the "foundational crisis" in mathematics is not discussed in AtD.

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