Caught Between a soul in every stone unturned under the inexhorable Goldman's Sack

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Sat May 1 21:18:18 CDT 2010

 alice wellintown wrote:

> Even in deterministic works, like Melville's or Pynchon's or Hellers,
> where a grander and more powerful force (Marxian, Freudian,
> Nietzscheian ...) is set in an agon with the creative principle (or
> Free will), a kind of dialectic functions or a paradox titilates. It's

so Vibe represents free will?
I sort of like the guy, in some ways, but I don't see a lot of
freedom as his lot
he's just jacked into a way of life that has as many limitations
and irritations as any laborer in "his" mines

> only art after all. Art for art's sake and for the sake of those who
> need a romantic escape from the brusing heel of free will and take
> solace in forced beyond.

forced beyond - typo?  or genius concept?
I'll go with the latter: Art as a reaction to stress, in which one
is forced beyond, Art is the beyond into which one is forced?
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