Slothrop & Invisible Man (My Two Teeth) For what it's worth

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Sat May 15 04:44:03 CDT 2010

Are there any critical essays on these two? Some pretty fart smeller
posted on the two paint factories (obviously this posted thought that
Pynchon raped Ellison's masterwork, not only for the Paint Factory
stuff, but for the major motif--Invisibility as well as the race
themes), but have real scholars published on Ellison and Pynchon?

Henry Adams is the kind of book I like to read again and again. The
first time I read it, and this was my experience with so much that I
read as a young lass,  I didn't know that Adams is quite a funny guy.
Now that I have to teach him, I find him too hard for young people and
too depressing for anyone over 30.

The only Chandler I think worth of a group read is The Visible Hand
(required reading for AGTD).

Won't bother with Augie or any other Jewish novel (P. Roth makes me
sick, although I did enjoy that Dying Animal...cause I', a hot Cuban
bitch) other than the only trrue masterpiece, Henry Roth's Call it

How a bout a Toni Morrison book, like Song of Solomon?

How about Ardor or Ada by VN ( so enjoyed that Pale Fire read...would
go back and do it again)

My two teeth  . . . .

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