Slothrop & Invisible Man (My Two Teeth) For what it's worth
alice wellintown
alicewellintown at
Sat May 15 09:46:16 CDT 2010
I'm just sooo saturated with Jewish American Literature. After
spending years reading Jewish American Literature and studying under,
and next to Jewish American scholars, and after writing a disertation
on Blacks and Jews, I can't read another Jewish author just now. Do
like P. Roth, but sick of him. Hnery Roth I would read again because
his work, Call it Sleep, an ignored masterpiece, is the kind of work
the P-List will eat up and relish.
Not sure about WASTE and IM, but I suspect that the fart smeller who
posted on the "obvious" rape of IM by P had some evidence to back up
that assertion.
> you guys/gals/guys got Philip all wrong.... a body of work even Pynchon
> reads, we think...
> 'when a body meets a body comin' thru the rye".......
> I was going to suggest we read Sabbath's Theater
> but I couldn't handle the truth.
> Ellison's invisibility is TRPs W.A.S.T.E, racially seen. TRP always knew he
> wasn't black.
> ________________________________
> From: Emma Wrigley <ecwrigley at>
> To: alicewellintown at
> Cc: pynchon-l at
> Sent: Sat, May 15, 2010 6:05:15 AM
> Subject: Re: Slothrop & Invisible Man (My Two Teeth) For what it's worth
> Every time I read a Roth I get intensely annoyed and yet I keep trying.
> Until I read Indignation a few months back at which point I reached the
> point of no return. Thank goodness. I was going to suggest some VN, but
> probably Pale Fire particularly, being unaware that it had been the subject
> of a GR before.
> Interesting point on Ellison and Pynchon. I'm none the wiser at the moment,
> but it's definitely worth a look.
> Em
> <-----Original Message----->
>>From: alice wellintown [alicewellintown at]
>>Sent: 15/5/2010 10:44:03 AM
>>To: pynchon-l at
>>Subject: Re: Slothrop & Invisible Man (My Two Teeth) For what it's worth
>>Are there any critical essays on these two? Some pretty fart smeller
>>posted on the two paint factories (obviously this posted thought that
>>Pynchon raped Ellison's masterwork, not only for the Paint Factory
>>stuff, but for the major motif--Invisibility as well as the race
>>themes), but have real scholars published on Ellison and Pynchon?
>>Henry Adams is the kind of book I like to read again and again. The
>>first time I read it, and this was my experience with so much that I
>>read as a young lass, I didn't know that Adams is quite a funny guy.
>>Now that I have to teach him, I find him too hard for young people and
>>too depressing for anyone over 30.
>>The only Chandler I think worth of a group read is The Visible Hand
>>(required reading for AGTD).
>>Won't bother with Augie or any other Jewish novel (P. Roth makes me
>>sick, although I did enjoy that Dying Animal...cause I', a hot Cuban
>>bitch) other than the only trrue masterpiece, Henry Roth's Call it
>>How a bout a Toni Morrison book, like Song of Solomon?
>>How about Ardor or Ada by VN ( so enjoyed that Pale Fire read...would
>>go back and do it again)
>>My two teeth . . . .
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